We are committed to providing our customers with top notch customer service and excellent quality farm & manufactured products. At Stephenville Pipe, we are your one stop shop for everything you need for your farm, ranch, or project. We carry cable, heavy duty gates, net wire, latches, hinges, panels, and bunk Feeders. We also have an assortment of wire including Sheffield, Texas Classic, Oklahoma, Redbrand, STA-TITE, Stay-Tuff, and Bekaert. We also have a wide variety of T-Posts including Sheffield, CMC, and W-Silver.

An Assortment of Cable

Heavy Duty Gates



OK Brand Barbless Wire

Sheffield Barbless Wire

Sheffield Barbed Wire

Red Brand Barbed Wire

Fence Panel

Stay-Tuff Horse Fence

Texas Classic Sheep & Goat Fence

Sheffield Non-Climb Fence

Texas Classic Horse Fence

Bunk Feeders


Creosote Boards